Saturday, January 19, 2019

'Vernier Caliper' (Volume-3) SolidWorks 2017 Tutorial

Serial No. 223-C

'Vernier Caliper' (Volume-3) SolidWorks 2017 Tutorial

(Rest of the model is designed in Volume-1 & 2)

Click the following link to get the model file: -

Procedure of reading of Vernier Caliper in Millimetre Scale 

Total number of divisions imprinted on Linear Scale = 150
Total number of divisions imprinted on Vernier Scale = 50
Pitch of Linear Scale = total length of Linear scale/total number of divisions imprinted on
                                      Linear scale
                                   = 150 mm / 150 = 1 mm

Least count of Vernier Scale = Pitch of Linear scale / Total number of divisions on Vernier Scale
                                               = 1 mm / 50 = 0.02 mm

Reading of Linear Scale = Pitch of Linear scale x Number of divisions on Linear Scale just before the
                                            zero of Vernier Scale
                                         = 1 mm x 12 = 12 mm

Reading of Vernier Scale = Least count of Vernier Scale x Number of divisions of Vernier Scale
                                             aligned with the marking of Linear Scale
                                          = 0.02 mm x 28 = 0.56 mm
Total Reading = Reading of Linear Scale + Reading of Vernier Scale
                        = 12 mm + 0.56 mm = 12.56 mm = 1.256 cm


Procedure of reading of Vernier Caliper in Inch Scale

Total number of divisions imprinted on Linear Scale  = 240
Total number of divisions imprinted on Vernier Scale = 25
Pitch of Linear Scale = total length of Linear scale/total number of divisions imprinted
                                       on Linear scale
                                    = 6 inch / 240= 0.025 inch

Least count of Vernier Scale = Pitch of Linear Scale / Total number of divisions on Vernier scale
                                               = 0.025 inch / 25 = 0.001 inch

Reading of Linear Scale = Pitch of Linear scale x Number of divisions on Linear Scale just before the
                                            zero of Vernier Scale
                                         = 0.025 inch x 45 = 1.125 inch

Reading of Vernier Scale = Least count of Vernier Scale x Number of divisions of Vernier Scale
                                             aligned with the marking of Linear Scale
                                          = 0.001 inch x 14 = 0.014 inch
Total Reading = Reading of Linear Scale + Reading of Vernier Scale
                        = 1.125 inch + 0.014 inch = 1.139 inch

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