Sunday, February 16, 2020

Vernier Caliper (Volume-2) Siemens NX 1855 Tutorial

Serial No. 116-B.

Vernier Caliper (Volume-2) Siemens NX 1855 Tutorial

(Rest of the model is designed in Volume-1 & 3)
Dear Viewers, In this video we will show how to create 'Vernier Caliper' in Siemens NX 1855 Software. This model contains two Subassemblies first Linear Scale subassembly and second Vernier scale subassembly. Ten-part files like Linear Scale, Vernier scale, Sliding Jaw, Finger Hook, Strip for depth measurement will be used to build this model . Hope you will enjoy this tutorial. Please subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates and share this video their friends and colleagues.



Click the following link to get the model file: -



Procedure of reading of Vernier Caliper in Millimetre Scale
Total number of divisions imprinted on Linear Scale = 150
Total number of divisions imprinted on Vernier Scale = 50
Pitch of Linear Scale = total length of Linear scale/total number of divisions imprinted on
                                       Linear scale
                                    = 150 mm / 150 = 1 mm
Least count of Vernier Scale = Pitch of Linear scale / Total number of divisions on Vernier Scale
                                                = 1 mm / 50 = 0.02 mm
Reading of Linear Scale = Pitch of Linear scale x Number of divisions on Linear Scale just before the
                                             zero of Vernier Scale
                                          = 1 mm x 12 = 12 mm
Reading of Vernier Scale = Least count of Vernier Scale x Number of divisions of Vernier Scale
                                              aligned with the marking of Linear Scale
                                           = 0.02 mm x 28 = 0.56 mm
Total Reading = Reading of Linear Scale + Reading of Vernier Scale
                         = 12 mm + 0.56 mm = 12.56 mm = 1.256 cm
Procedure of reading of Vernier Caliper in Inch Scale
Total number of divisions imprinted on Linear Scale  = 240
Total number of divisions imprinted on Vernier Scale = 25
Pitch of Linear Scale = total length of Linear scale/total number of divisions imprinted
                                        on Linear scale
                                     = 6 inch / 240= 0.025 inch
Least count of Vernier Scale = Pitch of Linear Scale / Total number of divisions on Vernier scale
                                                = 0.025 inch / 25 = 0.001 inch
Reading of Linear Scale = Pitch of Linear scale x Number of divisions on Linear Scale just before the
                                             zero of Vernier Scale
                                          = 0.025 inch x 45 = 1.125 inch
Reading of Vernier Scale = Least count of Vernier Scale x Number of divisions of Vernier Scale
                                              aligned with the marking of Linear Scale
                                           = 0.001 inch x 14 = 0.014 inch
Total Reading = Reading of Linear Scale + Reading of Vernier Scale
                         = 1.125 inch + 0.014 inch = 1.139 inch

Visit the following link to watch more tutorial on Siemens NX by us
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