In this tutorial we will learn what ‘Degrees of Freedom’ (DOF) of component is and how it is utilized/controlled in Assembly environment.
Transcription of Video
In Autodesk Inventor each ungrounded component in the assembly can be moved in six directions. It can move along X, Y, and Z axes (translational freedom) and it can rotate around the X, Y, and Z axes (rotational freedom). By turning on Degrees of Freedom (DOF) we can examine the movement of the component in the assembly. We can remove displayed DOF, by using constrains.
In this video we are taking a very simple example to explain all the concept.
- Create a new assembly file with an English Template.
- Place a new component in the assembly.
- Newly placed component can be grounded at origin.
- Activate Degrees of Freedom command.
- Grounded Component has no Degrees of Freedom.
- When we un-ground the component then 6 DOF is visible in front of us.
- Activate Degree of Freedom Analysis command.
- This dialogue box shows that the components has 3 translation freedom and 3 rotation freedom along X, Y, and Z axes.
- We can animate the component from here to examine its probable movement.
- To remove displayed DOF we will apply mates.
- After applying a single assembly mate 3 translation DOF were removed.
- Now we will apply another assembly mate to remove two more rotational DOF.
- Currently only one rotational DOF is left, that is what we require.
The video has a little caption assistance, but I have given sufficient amount of pause over the tool and their tip, so that they can be read easily. In addition this, annotations are also applied over important places…. so please focus on them to understand what is being done and how….
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