Monday, January 27, 2014

Application of ‘Sweep' tool and ‘Circular Pattern’ tool-Autodesk Inventor 2013 (with caption and audio)

Application of ‘Sweep’ tool and ‘Circular Pattern’ tool

Serial No. 198

Application of ‘Sweep' tool and ‘Circular Pattern’ tool-Autodesk Inventor 2013 (with caption and audio)

In this exercise we will create a new part named ‘Blade-base’, related to our previously created full-fledged model ‘Mixer (Cabinet)’.

In this part file we will utilize following feature/tools: - 2D Sketches, work planes, extrude, fillet, sweep and circular pattern.



Click the following link to get the model file: -




Transcription of Video

  1. Create a New Standard (in).ipt file.
  2. Create a new sketch on the XY Plane with the aid of ‘Create 2D Sketch’ tool.
  3. Draw the sketch diagram of part ‘Blade-base’ with the help of line tool.
  4. Pick up the Offset tool and select all lines in the graphics window.
  5. Enter the offset distance 1/16 inch between these two lines.
  6. Close the sketch profile by adding lines where the gap exists.
  7. Now the sketch is complete.
  8. Finish the 2D sketch.
  9. Select any one of the line of enclosed profile, the mini-toolbar will appear in the graphics window.
  10. Click the ‘Create Extrude’ icon.
  11. It will automatically select the enclosed profile.
  12. Extrude dialogue box is visible in the graphics window.
  13. In the Extents field, select ‘Symmetric’ option.
  14. Enter the distance value 3/8 inch.
  15. Click OK to create the extrude feature.
  16. Change the model colour to ‘Steel’.
  17. Save the file with the name ‘Blade-base’.
  18. Activate the Fillet tool from the Modify panel of 3D Model tab.
  19. Fillet dialogue box is visible in the graphics window.
  20. Select four bend edges of the model.
  21. Set the value to 1/16 inch in ‘Radius’ field.
  22. Click OK to create the fillet feature.
  23. Now make some changes in the settings of the software.
  24. Go to the Options panel of Tools tab and click Application Options icon.
  25. Application Options dialogue box is visible in the graphics window.
  26. General tab is active by default.
  27. Switch to Sketch tab.
  28. Click on the Standard Toggle box of 'Autoproject edges for sketch creation and edit' option.
  29. Apply and close the dialogue box.
  30. Create a new sketch on the blue face of the model, it will be used as a profile for the sweep.
  31. Select the projected model edges in the graphics window and convert them into construction geometry.
  32. Draw a line from Point1 of length 1/8 inch, parallel to Z direction of prevailing 3D indicator in the graphics window.
  33. Draw another line from the same Point1 of length 3/64 inch, parallel to Y direction.
  34. Close the profile by adding a new line.
  35. Finish the 2D Sketch.
  36. On the Ribbon click ‘Plane’ icon on the Work Features panel of 3D Model tab.
  37. Click on Point2 and select corresponding edge of the model (indicated by red colour).
  38. Work Plane has been created, perpendicular to this edge.
  39. Create a new sketch on this Work Plane to create a path for sweep.
  40. Right click in the graphics window and choose ‘Slice Graphics’ option.
  41. Take the project of the model by using ‘Project Cut Edges’ tool.
  42. Convert the entire projected model edges into construction geometry except yellow coloured line and arc.
  43. Add a new line starting from Point3 of length 0.75833 inch over the projected model edge indicated by yellow colour.
  44. Finish the 2D Sketch.
  45. Activate the ‘Sweep’ tool from Create panel of 3D Model tab.
  46. Sweep dialogue box is visible in the graphics window.
  47. Since there is only one closed profile, the profile drawn on Sketch2 is selected automatically.
  48. The Path selection button is active in the Sweep dialogue box.
  49. Select the sketch profile drawn on Sketch3 as sweep path in the graphics window.
  50. Select ‘Cut’ option to remove the material.
  51. Click OK to execute the Sweep feature.
  52. On the Ribbon click ‘Circular Pattern’ icon on the Pattern panel of 3D Model tab.
  53. Circular Pattern dialogue box is visible in the graphics window.
  54. In the Circular Pattern dialogue box, ‘Features’ selection button is activated by default.
  55. Select the ‘Sweep1’ in the Browser Bar as feature to pattern.
  56. Right click in the graphics window and choose Continue from the context menu.
  57. Select the Y Axis in the Browser Bar to define axis of revolution.
  58. Set the pattern count value 2 in the ‘Placement’ field.
  59. Leave the pattern angle 360 degree unchanged which is set by default.
  60. Click OK to execute the Circular Pattern feature.
  61. Create a new sketch on the blue face of ‘Blade-base’.
  62. Draw a square of length ¾ inch with the aid of ‘Three Point Centre Rectangle’ tool, coincident with autoprojected part origin.
  63. Activate the ‘Three Point Centre Rectangle’ from the Draw panel of Sketch tab.
  64. Click on Point4 to set the center point of the rectangle.
  65. Right click in the graphics window and click OK to finish the rectangle command.
  66. Exit the sketching environment.
  67. Activate the Extrude command from the marking menu.
  68. And select the square.
  69. In the Extents field, select ‘To’ option from the drop down list.
  70. Select back face of the model and choose Join option.
  71. Click OK to create Extrude feature.
  72. Create a new sketch once again on the blue face of model.
  73. Draw another square of length 3/16 inch.
  74. Use this square to remove material from the model by using Extrude tool.

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