Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Engine Case Rear (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial)

Serial No. 153

Engine Case Rear (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial)

In this SolidWorks Tutorial we will describe how to build the model of an ‘Engine Case Rear’. It is a part modelling tutorial, it will cover the following topics.
• Creating 2D Sketches on different Planes.
• Use the sketch constraints by using ‘Add Relation’ tool that are applied on during sketch creation.
• Use feature commands such as Extrude Boss/Base, Revolve Boss/Base, Hole Wizard command etc.
• Use the Pattern commands to array the features.
• Use Mirror command to copy of the features.


Click the following link to get the model file: -

Visit the following link to watch the basic tutorial on SolidWorks by us
To watch more detailed tutorials on the same software visit the following link
Hope all of you enjoyed the tutorial. If you find the video useful please like it and share it with your friends/colleagues and do not forget to subscribe us to get latest updates about our new uploads.
Dear Viewers if you like our work and wanted to support us, to keep continuing the good work, then become a patron of ours at ‘Patreon’ site. Patreon is a simple way for you to contribute to the creator’s work every month/ every time they release their new work and get rewards in return. Please visit the following link to know all about our work and what we are offering a reward to our patrons…

Friday, August 21, 2015

Creo Parametric Basic Tutorial || Sheet Metal

YouTube Icon-Cover_1

In this tutorial we will learn about the basic techniques related to ‘Sheet Metal’ functionality of ‘Creo Parametric’ by modelling a Cover.
In creation process of this model we will start our work by creating some basic sketches utilising the constrains and dimensions.
Next we will use Extrude Tool to create our first feature and use the same to remove some material form the model. Later we will use Flange Tool and take the help of ‘Mirror Tool’ to duplicate the Extrude Cut and Flange feature to the other side of the sheet. Then we will create another Flange that will also be mirrored to the other side as well. A Flat feature will be added next that will be bend along a line. Moving ahead we will unbend a previously created flange to remove some material form the model and then it would be bend back. Again a Flat feature at an angle of 75° will be created… Now we will create a corner between both the visible walls by using the Extend Tool along with a gap of 0.1 mm. So at the last we will create the Flat Pattern of the model. Next to place the flat pattern and solid model of the part in the drawing sheet we will use Family Table.
Next we will create a drawing file and put the Flat Pattern part in it along with Bend Lines… and export the drawing sheet to a PDF file…

Transcription of Video

  1. Start a new Sheet Metal Part file with the metric template and give it a name ‘Cover’.
  2. Select the Front Datum plane and create a new sketch on this plane.
  3. Draw the sketch using the line tool with the provided dimensions.
  4. Apply constrains time to time to full define the sketch.
  5. The sketch is complete so exit form sketching mode.
  6. Activate the Extrude Tool and specify the thickness of sheet along with extrude length.
  7. Change the material thickness direction and provide the bend radius.
  8. Click green checkmark to execute the command.
  9. Change the colour of the model as per your wish and save your work.
  10. Again activate the Extrude Tool to remove material form the sheet.
  11. This time activate internal sketcher to draw the sketch profile as displayed.
  12. First add some new references to create sketch.
  13. Click green checkmark to execute the command.
  14. Now activate the Flange Tool and select the user defined shape in the profile type option.
  15. Select these edges to specify on which edges new flanges will be created.
  16. Switch to Shape Tab and activate the internal sketcher to draw a shape for the flange.
  17. The sketch is complete so finish it and return back to the flange dialogue box…
  18. Set the Bend Relief type to Rectangular.
  19. Specify the Bend Radius which is by default inside of the thickness.
  20. In the Miter Cut details fill gap and offset values as displayed.
  21. Click green check mark to execute the command.
  22. Select Extrude and Flange Feature from the Model Tree and activate Mirror Tool.
  23. Select Front plane as mirroring plane and click OK.
  24. Now it is asking for new placement edges for the mirrored flanges so define it as shown.
  25. Click green checkmark to execute the command.
  26. Again we will create a new flange on the basis of user defined sketch…
  27. This time we will create the profile of the flange over the front plane.
  28. We do not need the flange, to go through all the way along the edge, so drag these nodes and specify the length from the front plane.
  29. All the other settings should be defined as done in the previous Flange creation.
  30. Now we will mirror this flange to the other side of the wall as done earlier.
  31. Activate the flat the Flat Tool.
  32. Fill the angle for the Flat and define the edge on which the feature is to be created.
  33. Define the length and width of the feature and here also, we do not need the feature to go all along the way, with edge so it should be changed by dragging the node.
  34. Click green check mark to execute the command.
  35. Activate Bend Tool.
  36. First define Bend surface from the Placement Tab.
  37. Draw a bend line by activating an internal sketcher.
  38. Fill the bend angle and side of the bend along with its radius.
  39. Click green check mark to execute the command.
  40. Activate Unbend Tool.
  41. Select Reference type as manual.
  42. Clear the Bend Geometries that are selected automatically and select only one bend.
  43. Click ok to execute the command.
  44. Now activate the Extrude Tool and cut the material from the unbended part.
  45. Ok now we will Bend Back this the flange…..
  46. Next we will create a Flat Feature at an angle of 75°.
  47. Hide the visibility of default Planes.
  48. Activate the Plane Tool and select the following face of the model to create a new plane at an offset distance of 0.1 mm.
  49. Repeat the same steps to create another plane.
  50. Press ALT key on your keyboard and select the following edge of the model.
  51. Activate Extend Tool and select Extend the wall to intersect the reference plane option.
  52. Next specify the reference plane and execute the command.
  53. In the same manner extend the other wall also…
  54. You can see a corner with a gap of 0.1 mm has been created between the two walls.
  55. The preview of flat pattern can be seen at this stage.
  56. Next we will actually create Flat Pattern of the model.
  57. From the Model Tree Setting open Tree Filters.
  58. In Tree Filters Items, turn on the display of Supressed Objects.
  59. From the Model Tree supress the Flat Pattern feature to bring back the folded part in front of us.
  60. Now activate the Family Table tool.
  61. Add the supressed Flat Pattern feature in the Family Table column.
  62. Insert another row where we put unsuppressed Flat Pattern feature which is defined by letter (Y).
  63. Next create a new drawing file.
  64. When select instance dialogue box appears select ‘The generic’ part to place sheet metal general part.
  65. Activate General View command and click anywhere on the screen to place the part.
  66. Orientation of the model is already set to default so now scale the size of model in the drawing sheet.
  67. Set the Display style of the model to Shaded with edges and click ok button.
  68. Unlock view movement and drag the view of the model to upper right part of the sheet.
  69. Press Drawing Models button and select Add Model from the Menu manger to place another instance of the model.
  70. In the Select Instance Dialogue Box click COVER_FLAT instance to place Flat Pattern of the model.
  71. Again repeat the same steps to place the second General View of the model.
  72. Only different setting this time is that we will place the Top view of the model, Display style be No Hidden, Tangent edges will be supressed and scale of the model will be 0.65 percent.
  73. We will remove some unnecessary dimensions.
  74. Click Model Annotations button and place bend lines in the sheet by placing the model datums and notes.
  75. Next we will clean some unnecessary lines and move the Bend Line notes to make it more descriptive.
  76. Our sheet is complete so we will save it and export it to a PDF file.


Click the following link to get the model file: -

Engine Case Rear (Autodesk Inventor 2016 Tutorial)

Serial No. 228

Engine Case Rear (Autodesk Inventor 2016)
The Design of ‘Engine Case Rear’ has been taken from Assembly file of ‘Rear Exhaust-2 Shoe' of Sample files of Autodesk Inventor, it is a fragment of ‘Engine MKII’ Assembly.
In this Inventor Tutorial we will describe how to build the model of an ‘Engine Case Rear’. It is a part modelling tutorial, it will cover the following topics.
•    Creating 2D Sketches on different Planes.
•    Use the sketch constraints that are applied on during sketch   creation.
•    Use feature commands such as Extrude, Revolve, Hole and the Thread command.
•    Use the Pattern commands to array the features.
•    Use Mirror command to copy of the features.


Click the following link to get the model file: -

Visit the following link to watch the basic tutorial on Autodesk Inventor by us
To watch detailed tutorials on the same software visit the following link
Hope all of you enjoyed the tutorial. If you find the video useful please like it and share it with your friends/colleagues and do not forget to subscribe us to get latest updates about our new uploads.
Dear Viewers if you like our work and wanted to support us, to keep continuing the good work, then become a patron of ours at ‘Patreon’ site. Patreon is a simple way for you to contribute to the creator’s work every month/ every time they release their new work and get rewards in return. Please visit the following link to know all about our work and what we are offering as the reward to our patrons…

Engine Head (Video Tutorial) Autodesk Inventor 2013

Engine Head_1
Engine Head_2
Engine Head

Serial No. 229

Engine Head (Autodesk Inventor 2013)
This video tutorial shows the full modelling process of an Engine Head.


Click the following link to get the model and drawing sheet file: -

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Engine Connecting Rod (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial with Caption)

Engine Con Rod_1

Engine Con Rod_2

Serial No. 152

Engine Connecting Rod (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial with Caption)

In this SolidWorks tutorial we will create an Engine Con Rod. It is a part modeling tutorial that will cover following topics: ---

· Creating some 2Dsketches with the basis of different planes.

· Understand the sketch constraints and dimensions to works effectively.

· How to establish the relationship between geometry.

· How to create a work plane on middle of the part.

· How to use Mirror tool on the basis of plane.

· How to use Extrude Base/Boss tool, Fillet tool, Chamfer tool etc.


Click the following link to get the model file: -




Transcription of the Video:-

  1. Create a new Part file.

  2. Create a new sketch over Top Plane.

  3. Draw the vertical/horizontal construction lines.

  4. Create sketches with the help of Circle tool, Center Point Arc tool, and Line tool.

  5. Use Add Relations and dimensions to fully defined the sketches as displayed.

  6. The sketch is complete so exit from the sketching mode.

  7. Activate the ‘Extruded Boss/Base’ tool and select a sketch profile to create a solid feature.

  8. Enter the value in the Depth field for Direction 1 to define the depth of the model.

  9. Click Reverse Direction button to extend the feature in the opposite direction from that shown in the preview.

  10. Save the part file with the name ‘Engine Con Rod’.

  11. Change the colour of model to Polished Steel.

  12. Next create another sketch over the top face of the model and create another Extrude feature as displayed.

  13. If you want to create a new work plane on the middle of the part, activate the Plane tool and select top face of part and bottom face of part a plane is automatically created on the middle of the part.

  14. Mirror of Boss-Extrude2 feature on the basis of Plane1 by using 'Mirror' tool.

  15. Add Fillet and Chamfer features to complete the model.

  16. This is the final view of ‘Engine Con Rod’.

Engine Connecting Rod (Video Tutorial with Caption) Autodesk Inventor 2016

Engine Con Rod.jpg_1

Engine Con Rod.jpg_2

Serial No. 227

Engine Connecting Rod (Video Tutorial with Caption) Autodesk Inventor 2016

In this Inventor tutorial we will create an Engine Con Rod. It is a part modeling tutorial that will cover following topics: ---

· Creating some 2Dsketches with the basis of different planes.

· Understand the sketch constraints and dimensions to works effectively.

· How to establish the relationship between geometry.

· How to use Mirror tool on the basis of plane.

· How to use Extrude tool, Fillet tool, Chamfer tool etc.


Click the following link to get the model file: - 


Transcription of the Video

      • Start a new part file with an inch template.

      • Draw a new sketch over XY Plane.

      • Take project of X&Y Axis by using ‘Project Geometry’ tool.

      • Create sketches with the help of Circle tool, Centre Point Arc tool and Line tool.

      • Use sketch constraints and dimensions to full define the sketch as displayed.

      • The sketch is complete so exit from the sketching mode.

      • Activate the Extrude command first select the sketch profile next fill the value in the under the Extents field to define the depth of model. You can see type of Extent is selected as Distance automatically.

      • Save the part file with the name ‘Engine Con Rod’.

      • Next create another sketch over the top face of the model and create another Extrude feature as displayed.

      • If you want to create a new work plane on the middle of the part, activate the Plane tool and select top face of part and bottom face of part a plane is automatically created on the middle of the part.

      • Mirror of Extrusion2 feature on the basis of Work Plane1 by using 'Mirror' tool.

      • Add Fillet and Chamfer features to complete the model.

      • This is the final view of ‘Engine Con Rod’.

      Thursday, August 13, 2015

      Engine Piston (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial with Caption)

      Engine Piston_1

      Engine Piston_2

      Serial No. 151

      Engine Piston (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial with Caption)

      In this SolidWorks tutorial we will create a Piston of an Engine. It is a part modelling tutorial that will cover following topics: ---

      · Creating 2D sketch profiles on different planes with the help of Circle tool, Rectangle tool, three point Arc tool, Line tool, Center Line tool etc.

      · Each of the sketch will be fully constrained with proper dimensioning and sketch constraints or you can say by using Dimension tool and Add Relations tool.

      · Adding 'Extruded Base/Boss' tool on the sketch to create the solid part and 'Extruded Cut' tool to remove the material from the model.

      · Adding fillets feature and changing the colour of the model the model.


      Click the following link to get the model file: -

      Transcription of Video

      • Create a new part file.
      • Start with a new sketch on the Front Plane.
      • Draw a circle with dimension and create a solid by using 'Extrude Boss/Base' tool.
      • Save the file with the name ‘Engine Piston’.
      • Create a new sketch profile on the rear face of the part and remove the material by using ‘Extruded Cut’ tool.
      • Enter the depth value under the Direction 1 area.
      • Create a sketch for making hole on the Right Plane of the Part.
      • Change the colour of the model (to) ‘Polished Steel’.
      • In this way to adding more features to complete the model.

      Monday, August 10, 2015

      Engine Crank Shaft (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial)

      Engine Crank Shaft_1

      Engine Crank Shaft_2

      Serial No. 150

      Engine Crank Shaft (SolidWorks 2015 Tutorial)

      In this solidworks tutorial we will describe how to build the model of an ‘Engine Crank Shaft’. It is a part modelling it will cover following topics.

      • Creating 2D Sketches on different Planes.

      • How to use sketch constraints that are applied on during sketch creation.

      • How to create some features with the aid of Extruded Boss/Base tool, Revolved Boss/Base tool, Thread tool, Fillet tool etc.

      • How to remove specific portion of the part by using Extruded Cut tool.

      • How to revolve the sketch profile filled by the specified angle from the middle plane of the model by using ‘Revolved Cut’ tool.

      • How to use Chamfer tool, Fillet tool.



      Click the following link to get the model file: -

      Engine Crank Shaft (Autodesk Inventor 2016)

      Engine Crank Shaft_1
      Engine Crank Shaft_2

      Serial No. 225

      Engine Crank Shaft (Autodesk Inventor 2016)

      In this video we will describe how to build the model of an ‘Engine Crank Shaft’. It is a part modeling it will cover following topics.

      · Creating 2D Sketches on different Planes.

      · How to use sketch constraints that are applied on during sketch creation.

      · How to create some features with the aid of Extrude tool, Revolve tool, Thread tool, Fillet tool etc.

      · How to remove specific portion of the part by using Extrude tool command with ‘Cut’ option.

      · How to revolve the profile through the specified angle with ‘Cut’ option with the aid of Revolve tool. 


      Click the following link to get the model file: -

      Thursday, August 6, 2015

      SolidWorks Basic Tutorial || Helical/Spring Curve and Sweep

      Spring 1280x720

      In this tutorial we will learn about the Helical/Spring Curve and Sweep Feature of SolidWorks by creating a ‘Spring’.

      Helical/Spring Curve tool is used to create helical coil spring or thread feature. In this tutorial we will see how springs can be created by using it.

      Sweep Feature is used when we want to create a solid using a closed sketch profile and a path.

      Addition to this we will also watch how to use Surface Extrude, Projected Curve, and Circular Pattern Tools etc.

      Transcription of Video

      1. Create a new part file.
      2. Change units of the file to millimeter, gram, second.
      3. Create a new sketch over front plane.
      4. First create a vertical centerline of infinite length at the origin. This will be used as axis.
      5. Next create a circle in the sketch and position is using the dimension as displayed.
      6. The sketch is complete so exit from the sketching mode.
      7. Switch to feature tab then create a new plane parallel to top plane and at the center point of circle.
      8. Now activate the Helix and Spiral tool.
      9. Now select the newly created plane to draw a circle which will define the helix cross-section.
      10. Draw a circle coincident to the origin of part and previously drawn circle.
      11. Helix and Spiral Tool is active first conform, if the start point of curve is coincident to the origin of profile or not.
      12. The helix start point can be adjusted by controlling the start angle.
      13. We will use Height and Pitch to define the curve.
      14. Fill the height and pitch values as shown.
      15. Change the direction of the curve to Counterclockwise.
      16. Click ok to create the curve.
      17. Activate the sweep tool.
      18. First define the Sweep profile then the path.
      19. Click Ok to execute the command.
      20. Change the colour of the model as per your wish.
      21. Now create a new sketch over right plane.
      22. Use convert entities tool to project the edges of spring and draw the following sketch.
      23. Fully define the sketch by adding dimensions and constrains.
      24. The sketch is complete so exit from the sketching mode.
      25. Again create a new sketch over front plane as displayed.
      26. Switch to surface tab and activate extrude surface tool.
      27. Select the sketched arc and from the direction 1 filed define the Mid Plate option.
      28. Drag this arrow to define the length of extrude.
      29. Click green check mark to create the surface extrude feature.
      30. Next activate projected curve tool.
      31. First define sketch to project then projection face.
      32. Reverse the projection direction and preview will be visible.
      33. Click green check mark to execute the command.
      34. Now create a new sketch over this face and project this edge in the sketch.
      35. Now activate sweep tool and create a sweep feature as displayed.
      36. Now draw a new sketch over right plane to be used as axis.
      37. Activate circular pattern tool.
      38. First define feature to pattern and then the pattern axis.
      39. Fill the angle for the pattern.
      40. Click green check mark to execute the command.
      41. The model is complete so save the file.


      Click the following link to get the model file:

      Autodesk Inventor Basic Tutorial || Coil and Sweep


      In this tutorial, we will learn about the Coil and Sweep Feature of Autodesk Inventor by creating a ‘Spring’.  
      Coil Tool is used to creating helical coil spring or thread feature. In this tutorial, we will see how springs can be created by using it.
      Sweep Feature is used when we want to create a solid using a closed sketch profile and a path.
      Addition to this, the creation process of the Helical Curve and Circular Pattern Tool is also displayed in the video. 

      The video does not have audio assistance but we have given sufficient amount of pause over the tool tip and command prompt so that they can be read easily…must focus on them to learn and understand the software in detail.


      Click the following link to get the model file: -